In the novel The Color Purple by Alice Walker, the main protagonist Celie was often pretty specific when describing the events and characters in certain scenes. In the book she was writing to god which coincides with the movie as well, but their were scenes and attributes that contradicted the book. Such as Shugs skin tone. In the book she was described as extremely black but in the movie she was portrayed by a brown skinned woman. Another difference was in the book Celie writes back to Nettie which was not the case in the movie. Also Celie simply believes in God in the movie and does not address her letters to God as done in the book. And lastly another difference was a lot of the male characters were soften to not seem as abrasive such as mister and Celie’s father. Some similarities were the relations between Shug and Celie, and Sofia’s strong character were both well represented in the movie as well as the book.
1) On page 86 Kien talks about seeing one of his old war comrades, do you think that this was a effect of post traumatic stress syndrome? 2) Why do you think Kien was suddenly having flashbacks of the Screaming Jungle? 3) What do you think writing did for Kien, far as helping with the after effects of the war? 4) Why do you think Kien was sadly wandering the streets on page 86? 5) What do you think Kien was talking about when he said writing lead him into a labyrinth? 6) Why do you think Kien said that the dead sometimes had more meaning than the living? 7) What does the quote "dying and surviving were separated by a thin line" mean to you? 8) On pages 95-96 Quang tells Kien to shoot him and put him out of his misery, but Kien decides not to do it. Why do you think Kien choose not to shoot and what would you do if you were placed in the same predicament? 9) On page 93 Kien expresses his remorse for not coming in time to save the injured solider in the crater, ...
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