Blog Assignment # 2
Some areas that I felt I was struggling with in the recent assignment were spelling and grammar. When doing this assignment I made an mistake by not paying attention to my grammar or spelling. After doing this assignment I realized how much of an impact these two things play in writing a paper. My action plan I intend on using to fix these issues is studying more, practicing at all times, including texting. By doing this correct spelling and grammar will become a habit. I believe my strength when writing papers are my ideas and how fast I come up them. I believe the next assignment we do I will take both of those components into consideration so I can make sure I wont make the same mistakes.
Hello Caitlyn I can agree, texting is the perfect practice to improve on these areas. I believe I recall your paper, and I enjoyed reading it. Everyone makes mistakes, but without mistakes we just can't seem to improve. As long as everyone keeps pushing forward, we'll all be skilled writers by the end of this class.