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Emily Dickinson Quotes

 1. “ Forever is composed of nows”

      •  This quote can mean that forever can on my be determined by our actions and choices that are made now because they affect our future and forever. This also means that right now can determine our forever. 

2. “ That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet”

      • This quote means that the fact this is our only life to live it makes it significant. By saying this 
        Dickinson is saying that significance of life is that we only live it once so we should appreciate it and live it to the fullest.

3. “ If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain”

     • This quote can be interpreted as Dickinson saying that if she could prevent one person from experiencing the pain of a heartbreak, she would have not lived with our purpose and would’ve accomplished something positive and lived her life with purpose.

4. “ If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that it is poetry”
     • in this quote Dickinson is expressing her love of good literature. She expresses how she prefers books to make her feel and how books make her have a physical and emotional change throughout her body. 

5. “ This is my letter to the world they never wrote me”

     • This quotation is a reflection of how Dickinson’s poetry was a reflection of how she was treated by the outside world. Her poems were her way of saying what she could never say or what was never said to her. 

6.“ Saying nothing is sometimes saying the most”
    •  This quote is saying that no reaction could be the best reaction. Due to the fact when something being said or done, a reaction is commonly expected in return but when there is not one that changes the cycle of how things would normally go on in that situation. 

7. “ I dwell in possibilities” 

  • This quote is Dickinson expressing how she doesn’t have a restraint on her mental. Dickinson was saying that she does not feel that she cannot or will not do anything. She believes anything is possible and she will doing anything just because she believes she can.

8. “ Nature is a haunted house— but Art— is a house that tried to be haunted”

    •  In This quote Dickinson is saying that nature is naturally dark and has experienced things that could leave it haunted. Art on the other hand is a wanna be duplicate that wants to be haunted but is basically a carbon copy based of, of nature. 

9. “ Parting is all we know of heaven”

   • This quote could play into Dickinson’s religion. She probably believed that before we came to earth we were angels in heaven first. She then says that parting is all that we know that could probably mean that the memory of heaven we have is when we parted.

10. “ I have been bent and broken, but I hope into a better shape”

      •  This quote is Dickinson reflecting on things she has been though but rather that feeling pity for her self or seeking sympathy, she hopes that her experiences help her be a better person and that she learns from this experience.

11. “ in this short life that only last ah hour how much how life is within our power”

   •  In this quotation Dickinson is questioning our being. She is asking how much of our life is actually controlled by us. Is it karma, a higher being or something else. She also say that life only lasts a hour which can be concluded that she believes life is short. 

12. “ Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon”

     •  This quote means that whenever we do something, especially when it’s something that is not supposed to be done, it releases a “ demon”. The demon can be metaphorical for sins or a that the devil in a way has finnaly convinced you to do something and his “demons” job is done, so low he can retreat back home.

13. “  To shut your eyes to to travel”

    • When Dickinson said this she was saying that by dreaming you can do whatever you want to do .
When you shut your eyes can be anyone, anything or be anywhere you wouldn’t normally be able to do.

14. “ open me carefully”

    • Dickinson was telling the reader that you would have to careful when dealing with her. She was a complicated person who had to be handled a certain way in order to deal with her.

15. “ Till I loved I never liked enough”

   • In this quotation Dickinson was expressed how she did not like people enough until she loved. She was most likely a introvert and did not deal with people much so when she was finnaly with someone long enough she fell in love due to her inexperience.


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