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Dutchess Lillian had been widowed for 14 months, 2 weeks and 3 days. Lillian had lost her husband Jullian whom she was married to for 12 years in a tragic fire that occurred in the village which he was working.  For the past 14 months, 2 weeks and 3 days, Lillian had secluded herself from family and friends and moved to a small house on a spacious prairie. The  source of communication Lillian had was through letters that were delivered weekly. The only person she wrote too was her mother. The two had an agreement after she had moved and time was passing so she knew it was only a matter of time before her mother payed her an visit. One day while she was mopping around her home she got a knock on her door which was unusual giving her secluded location. When she open the door there stood a man cloaked in all black with a hood cover majority of his face. When Lillian asked the purpose of his visit the man says " if you allow me to stay in your home for 1 week, I will grant you all the riches you could ever want" Lillian eventually but hesitantly agreed to let the mysterious stranger to stay in her abode. During his stay the man remained covered but often had conversations with Lillian. During their encounters she began to take interest in the stranger seeing that he had many traits of her late husband. One day while they were eating dinner together a part of his hand began to show and on his had was a severe burn mark. Upon this discovery she quickly began to make the assumption that this was her late husband and he had come back for her. She then confronts the stranger, " I know who you are!, I knew it all along. I always knew you were still alive and would come back for your family!". The man then revealed his face to be a face identical to her husbands. " No I am not Jullian, but his twin brother, I've always loved you and I felt that now would be the best time to profess my love". " But what about the burn marks?" Lillian exclaims. " That fire was the only way I could get him out the picture and you into my arms" says Jules. Then suddenly there is a knock on the door. As Lillian opens the door there sits her child that she and Julian had created before his demise. Lillian then breaks down into tears at the realization that she was now alone with her child and her husbands twin/ murderer. She then realizes that she must quickly take action before he reacts in a violent manner due to her rejection. So she brings in her toddler and places her somewhere safe while she disposes of her husbands murderer. She lures him into her room and begins to seduce him. " You know I've always loved you too but could not express it due to your brother ", says Lillian. " I always knew that so I killed him so we could be together forever " says Jules. Lillian then
grabs the dagger she keeps in her drawer and stabed Jules a total of 14 times, 1 stab for every month she had been without her husband. She then disposed of his body and continued about her life and from that day on forward her main focus was to raise her daughter to best of her ability the way that her late husband would have wanted her to do.


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