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Frankenstein Response

In response to Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the story depicts a young Victor Frankenstein and how his curiosity resulted in the creation of his monster. We see his monster deal with an array of emotions from anger, loneliness and neglect from his creator which his desperately seeked. In response he reacts in anger by killing Victors brother, friend and his fiancĂ© Elizabeth. In the end of the story we see the monster show a emotion he had not shown, remorse, as he weepers of his dead creators lifeless body in realization that his only chance of having a companion was gone and he was part of the reason.

Act 3

In act 3 Banquo voices his suspicions of Macbeth.  Macbeth announces that he will be having a banquet and Banquo will be the guest of honor. Banquo dismisses the honor saying that he has to ride that’s afternoon. Macbeth then orders two murders to kill Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth also hires a third murder and while the succeed in killing Banquo, Fleance escapes. When they return with the bad news Macbeth tells them to finish the job and kill Fleance. While at the banquet Macbeth sees a hallucination of Banquo and begins to act erratically and Lady Macbeth dismisses it as a illness.

Macbeth Act 2

In act 2 we see Lady Macbeth’s plan going into action. In scene 2 we see Macbeth returning from killing Duncan. He is in shock and has not even cleaned himself off. He was deeply shaken. Lady Macbeth warns him to not act suspicious. She then tells his to plant the daggers on the bodyguards. Then while attempting to “wash” the blood of their hands, it is obvious that the only washed the physical damage away. Their house is also referred as hell due to the ghastly murder that occurred in the house. As the people in the house began to realize that Duncan was dead, Malcolm runs away drawing suspicions towards him.

Macbeth Act 1

In act one of Macbeth we are introduced to Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, the witches, Malcom, Banquo and king Duncan. In the first scene we see the witches wait to meet Macbeth in a scene with thundering and lightning. In scene 2 king Duncan is returning from war. Also Macbeth is being honored as a hero. In the scene 3 the witches finally meet Macbeth and address him as thane if cawdor. This frightens Macbeth. Banquo begins to become suspicious and questions Macbeth. In scene 4 Duncan thanks Banquo and Macbeth for there bravery and announces that his son Malcolm will be the heir to his throne. He announces that he is coming to Macbeth’s home. Macbeth then prepares for his visit. In scene 5 Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth about the two witches and feels he is too nice to kill king Duncan. She then makes preparations for king Duncan’s murder. In scene 6 Duncan arrives and is looking for Macbeth. In scene 7 they plan to murder the king

Psalms 117

1   Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples.  2   For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. This scripture depicts why we should praise the lord. The scripture says that his love endures forever, meaning no matter what we do the Lord will relentlessly love us. The scripture also calls for all nations to extol him meaning we should praise him enthusiastically. Overall this scripture expounds on why we should praise the lord and by doing this we would be showing appreciation for his sacrifices.

King lear

Awesome book!  Shows the downfall of a king manipulated by his daughters and followers. Depicts the transformation King Lear has to undergo in order to adapt to his new surroundings. Shows how the balance of an entire kingdom changes due to newly appointed roles. Very entertaining and attention grabbing! Informative and detailed throughout the entire play. Portrays an exciting story of betrayal, deceit and forgiveness!


Dutchess Lillian had been widowed for 14 months, 2 weeks and 3 days. Lillian had lost her husband Jullian whom she was married to for 12 years in a tragic fire that occurred in the village which he was working.  For the past 14 months, 2 weeks and 3 days, Lillian had secluded herself from family and friends and moved to a small house on a spacious prairie. The  source of communication Lillian had was through letters that were delivered weekly. The only person she wrote too was her mother. The two had an agreement after she had moved and time was passing so she knew it was only a matter of time before her mother payed her an visit. One day while she was mopping around her home she got a knock on her door which was unusual giving her secluded location. When she open the door there stood a man cloaked in all black with a hood cover majority of his face. When Lillian asked the purpose of his visit the man says " if you allow me to stay in your home for 1 week, I will grant you all the

Blog Assignment #3

In the middle ages women occupied a numerous of positions from housewives, nuns, mothers, wives, peasants and many more roles during that time. Medieval society was harsh for women. Very few lived comfortable lives. Such as royalty. The middle ages were predominantly ruled by men, and the women were expected to simply follow their lead. Women were basically assigned jobs and roles that men felt were suitable for them, but they most common held job was being the housewife nd taking care of the house and family. Village women held the role being a housewife and farming. Women also were constricted by many rules set by men, such as, they were not allowed to get married without their parents consent, they were not allowed to divorce their husbands and they could not own any land unless their husband died. In conclusion women were not treated equal and treated as property, and although changes have been made since then, there are still strides to be made today.

Chaucer Summary

Geoffrey Chauncer is known as the father of literature and the prime shaper of English. Chauncer was also praised by fellow poets and critics. Chauncer was the first to use the English Language. Even before William Shakespeare. All his praise seemed to come as a surprise due to his orgins of being from Middle English. Chauncer's work was often divided into 3 stages from French influence to Italian tendencies and finally English realism.  His achievements consisted of the rejection of conventions, rhetoric, types, and symbols.

Blog Assignment #11

Dear Advice Column, My name is Grant and I am currently dealing with a dilemma. I am a school teacher, who has been assigned the task of transforming a man named Jefferson from a hog into a man before his execution. Jefferson is being executed for a murder he did not commit. And while on trial Jefferson was referred to as a "hog" I am doing this as a favor to his aunt Emma who had become stressed from this whole ordeal. My situation is, I am not sure how to properly handle the issue with Jefferson.  During my few visits with him he has been vague and unresponsive to my attempts to connect with him. For example when ever we bring him food he refuses to eat it. And him being called a hog seems to have had a major impact on him. For example whenever I talk to him he tells me it's pointless and it's even to the point where he even got on the ground and ate like an hog. I am not sure how to respond to him. What steps should I take to solve my problems.

Blog Assignment # 10

Chapter 5: 1: The church was the meeting place for Grants school. 2: The school meets for five in a half months because the students are needed in the fields any other time. 3:  Grant goes into such detail about Jefferson's execution when talking to his students so they understand the severity of the situation and he figures by telling them this they will understand the importance of an education. 4: Mr. Farnell was sent to Grant by Mr. Pichot to tell him to meet him at 5'oclock regarding Jefferson. Quotes: " Jesus wept'' " They knew he was supposed to die, but they hadn't known how this would happen " Chapter 6: 1: After meeting with Mr. Farnell, Grant goes to Mr. Pichot's home. 2: While waiting for Mr. Pichot, Grant waited in the kitchen with Inez, where he stood an entire two hours. 3: Grant had to reach to shake Edna's hand because, she had stopped her arm at an good distance. 4: While talking to Mr. Pichot and his


" I don't want them to kill no hog u p there; I want a man to go to that chair, on his own two feet". Page 12 Chapter 2 1) This quote does relate to a theme, the theme it relates to is, although he is about to die they want him to die with his education and dignity. 2) The conflict that this quote symbolizes is how they belittled and derogated Jefferson during the trial by comparing to a barbaric animal as such as hog.

A Lesson Before Dying Chapters 3-4 Questions

Chapter 3: 1) Henry's insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirected the plot narrative by creating a possibility that Jefferson may have committed the crime. 2) During this time Miss Emma was drained from the trial and didn't have the spirit or fight in her to try to convince Grant that he needed to go. 3) Before going off and getting educated Grant used to have to use the backdoor along with his aunt. When he returned the door was a symbol of his past, when he didn't have as much knowledge and by having to use the door again made him feel a certain type of way because he simply felt as if he was  to good to still have to use the back door after all those years. 4) Miss Emma prevail on Henri Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf because she knew with his race and relationship with the sheriff he had a better chance then her. Chapter 4: 1) By mentioning the slaughterhouse that was mostly for hogs the narrator echos and expands on the public de

Blog Assignment #8

In King's speech he often used metaphors. He used metaphors to get the audience to get a visual understanding of his point. Although it was not literal, his metaphor helped the audience grasp the concept of what he was saying. Such as in the fifth paragraph he says" Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom from drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred". Although there was no literal cup it helped the audience to understand. Another example of a metaphor would be in the third paragraph when he said " America has given the negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds". This was a metaphor because the was no literal check written, but by saying this he expressed how America had forsaken African Americans when it came to upholding their word. King also used Pathos in his speech. He used Pathos to grab the audiences attention by attending to their emotions. By doing this the audience got a better understanding