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Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog Assignment #3

In the middle ages women occupied a numerous of positions from housewives, nuns, mothers, wives, peasants and many more roles during that time. Medieval society was harsh for women. Very few lived comfortable lives. Such as royalty. The middle ages were predominantly ruled by men, and the women were expected to simply follow their lead. Women were basically assigned jobs and roles that men felt were suitable for them, but they most common held job was being the housewife nd taking care of the house and family. Village women held the role being a housewife and farming. Women also were constricted by many rules set by men, such as, they were not allowed to get married without their parents consent, they were not allowed to divorce their husbands and they could not own any land unless their husband died. In conclusion women were not treated equal and treated as property, and although changes have been made since then, there are still strides to be made today.

Chaucer Summary

Geoffrey Chauncer is known as the father of literature and the prime shaper of English. Chauncer was also praised by fellow poets and critics. Chauncer was the first to use the English Language. Even before William Shakespeare. All his praise seemed to come as a surprise due to his orgins of being from Middle English. Chauncer's work was often divided into 3 stages from French influence to Italian tendencies and finally English realism.  His achievements consisted of the rejection of conventions, rhetoric, types, and symbols.