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Showing posts from February, 2017

Blog Assignment #11

Dear Advice Column, My name is Grant and I am currently dealing with a dilemma. I am a school teacher, who has been assigned the task of transforming a man named Jefferson from a hog into a man before his execution. Jefferson is being executed for a murder he did not commit. And while on trial Jefferson was referred to as a "hog" I am doing this as a favor to his aunt Emma who had become stressed from this whole ordeal. My situation is, I am not sure how to properly handle the issue with Jefferson.  During my few visits with him he has been vague and unresponsive to my attempts to connect with him. For example when ever we bring him food he refuses to eat it. And him being called a hog seems to have had a major impact on him. For example whenever I talk to him he tells me it's pointless and it's even to the point where he even got on the ground and ate like an hog. I am not sure how to respond to him. What steps should I take to solve my problems.

Blog Assignment # 10

Chapter 5: 1: The church was the meeting place for Grants school. 2: The school meets for five in a half months because the students are needed in the fields any other time. 3:  Grant goes into such detail about Jefferson's execution when talking to his students so they understand the severity of the situation and he figures by telling them this they will understand the importance of an education. 4: Mr. Farnell was sent to Grant by Mr. Pichot to tell him to meet him at 5'oclock regarding Jefferson. Quotes: " Jesus wept'' " They knew he was supposed to die, but they hadn't known how this would happen " Chapter 6: 1: After meeting with Mr. Farnell, Grant goes to Mr. Pichot's home. 2: While waiting for Mr. Pichot, Grant waited in the kitchen with Inez, where he stood an entire two hours. 3: Grant had to reach to shake Edna's hand because, she had stopped her arm at an good distance. 4: While talking to Mr. Pichot and his


" I don't want them to kill no hog u p there; I want a man to go to that chair, on his own two feet". Page 12 Chapter 2 1) This quote does relate to a theme, the theme it relates to is, although he is about to die they want him to die with his education and dignity. 2) The conflict that this quote symbolizes is how they belittled and derogated Jefferson during the trial by comparing to a barbaric animal as such as hog.

A Lesson Before Dying Chapters 3-4 Questions

Chapter 3: 1) Henry's insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirected the plot narrative by creating a possibility that Jefferson may have committed the crime. 2) During this time Miss Emma was drained from the trial and didn't have the spirit or fight in her to try to convince Grant that he needed to go. 3) Before going off and getting educated Grant used to have to use the backdoor along with his aunt. When he returned the door was a symbol of his past, when he didn't have as much knowledge and by having to use the door again made him feel a certain type of way because he simply felt as if he was  to good to still have to use the back door after all those years. 4) Miss Emma prevail on Henri Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf because she knew with his race and relationship with the sheriff he had a better chance then her. Chapter 4: 1) By mentioning the slaughterhouse that was mostly for hogs the narrator echos and expands on the public de